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The 10 Reasons why NextJS should be your next technology


Front - End Development

Mar 19, 2024

Amandeep Singh

Amandeep Singh


NextJs is a powerful and versatile JavaScript framework that has been gaining rapid popularity among developers worldwide. With it's robust features and intuitive design, NextJs offers a compelling case as the next technology to adopt for web development projects. Unlike traditional JavaScript frameworks, NextJs provides a seamless experience for building modern web applications, offering benefits such as server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and simplified routing.

This enables developers to create high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, NextJs provides a solid foundation for building dynamic and engaging web experiences, making it an ideal choice for your next technology stack.

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Among the plethora of frameworks and libraries available, NextJs has emerged as a powerful contender, offering developers a modern approach to building web applications. In this blog post, we'll delve into the 10 reasons why NextJs should be your next technology choice.


NextJs, developed by Vercel, is an open-source React framework that enables developers to build modern web applications with ease. It provides a comprehensive solution for server-rendered React applications, offering a powerful combination of performance, versatility, and developer experience. At it's core, NextJs embraces the principles of simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than wrestling with complex configurations.

Key Features

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

SSR allows web pages to be rendered on the server before being sent to the client, resulting in faster initial page loads and improved SEO. With NextJs, developers can leverage SSR effortlessly, ensuring that content is fully accessible to search engines and users alike. NextJs ensures that your web application is not only fast but also efficient. By only loading the JavaScript needed for the current page, and pre-rendering pages on the server, NextJs reduces the amount of code that needs to be downloaded and executed on the client-side, leading to faster load times and a smoother user experience.

Next js serverless functioning explaining diagram

Static Site Generation (SSG)

In addition to SSR, NextJs offers static site generation (SSG), which enables the generation of static HTML files at build time. This approach provides unparalleled performance benefits, as static files can be served to users directly from a content delivery network (CDN), resulting in lightning-fast page loads and reduced server load. SSG is particularly well-suited for content-driven websites and blogs, where the content is relatively static and doesn't change frequently.

Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

NextJs also supports client-side rendering (CSR), allowing developers to build highly interactive and dynamic web applications. With CSR, pages are rendered on the client-side using JavaScript, providing a seamless user experience and enabling features like client-side routing and data fetching. NextJs seamlessly integrates CSR with SSR and SSG, giving developers the flexibility to choose the rendering approach that best suits their application's needs.

SEO Friendliness

NextJs' server-side rendering capabilities are a boon for search engine optimization (SEO). Since the content is rendered on the server, search engines can crawl the site more effectively, improving the visibility of your web application. This is a significant improvement over client-side rendered single-page applications (SPAs), which often struggle with SEO.

Developer Experience

NextJs provides an exceptional developer experience. It requires minimal setup, offers a file-system-based router, and supports hot module replacement out of the box. NextJs allows the mapping of URLs directly to the files in the project's directory. This treats files as routes. Developers can create new pages simply by adding files to the pages directory. The framework's conventions and built-in best practices streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on building their applications rather than configuring their build system.


Scalability is a critical factor in the success of any web application, and NextJs is designed with scalability in mind. Whether you're building a small personal project or a large enterprise application, NextJs can handle the load. It's static generation feature allows you to pre-render pages at build time, which is perfect for sites with content that doesn't change frequently. For dynamic content, SSR can render pages on-demand, ensuring that your application can scale with your user base.

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Rich Ecosystem

NextJs benefits from a rich ecosystem. Being built on top of React, it has access to the vast library of React components and tools. Additionally, Vercel, the company behind NextJs, provides seamless deployment and hosting solutions, making it easier to get your NextJs applications up and running in production.

Hot Module Replacement

Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is a feature in NextJs that allows developers to update modules live without requiring a full page reload. This means that when you make changes to your codebase, whether it's JavaScript, CSS, or other assets, those changes are reflected instantly in the browser without losing the application's current state.

TypeScript Support

For developers who value type safety and code integrity, NextJs offers excellent support for TypeScript. TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that helps catch errors early in the development process and improves code maintainability and readability. NextJs' TypeScript support enables developers to write more robust and reliable code, resulting in fewer bugs and smoother development workflows.

Built-in CSS and SaSS Support

NextJs offers built-in support for styling web applications using CSS and Sass, making it an attractive choice for developers seeking efficient and organized styling solutions. With NextJs, you can seamlessly integrate CSS and Sass files directly into your project without the need for additional configuration or third-party libraries. This native support streamlines the development process, allowing developers to write and maintain stylesheets more efficiently. Whether you prefer traditional CSS or the enhanced capabilities of Sass, NextJs provides a flexible and intuitive platform for creating visually appealing and responsive web applications. By leveraging NextJs' built-in CSS and Sass support, developers can focus on building engaging user experiences while maximizing productivity and code maintainability.


In conclusion, NextJs is a game-changer in the world of web development, offering a comprehensive solution for building modern, high-performance web applications. With features like server-side rendering, static site generation, TypeScript support, and built-in CSS and Sass support, NextJs empowers developers to create dynamic and engaging user experiences with ease. Whether you're building a simple static website, a content-driven blog, or a complex web application, NextJs has the tools and capabilities to bring your vision to life. So why wait?

Dive into the world of NextJs and unlock the full potential of your web projects. Get a free consultation today.